We are currently tackling the lack of clean water in Austin's Colony, Garden Valley, and Valle Del Rio, price gouging by private water companies (Aqua & Southwest Water) in Austin's Colony and Garden Valley, dust, air, water pollution, and truck traffic from aggregate mining operations and Tesla, inadequate TCEQ regulation, environmental regulation violations in the Dog's Head area, soapy water discharge from the South Austin Regional Wastewater plant, erosion due to aggregate mining. We have been extremely busy researching, meeting with scientists, professors, politicians, community members, shaping/advocating for policy, monitoring water quality, and haven't had time to update our website but more information coming soon about our work!
You can check out our newsletter recap for more details of our work: https://us5.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=db0e3efac65f8e8db24e09686&id=eda6dcde1d